Brooke is exposed to many things that other kids her age are. Nick Jr., Disney Princesses, My Little Pony, etc. I don't let Brooke listen to too much radio other than country music or kid songs. Laurie Berkner is a favorite around our house. She only watches shows on Nick Jr. and isn't allowed to watch shows for older kids. Even if those shows are on a kid channel, I just don't push it. I figure if kids in the 3rd grade are watching it, my 4 year old probably shouldn't. This is how I choose to parent, but I don't think I am too off from other moms of 4 year olds.
Brooke is in tap and ballet this year. She loves it. She did ballet last year and had a ball! Her outfit (which cost me a small fortune) was straight out of TLC's Toddlers and Tiaras, but she LOVED it.
This year I guess I was expecting much of the same. I figured a cute little tutu type outfit for her tap routine. I knew their song was "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus. Wouldn't have been my first choice but I guess it could be worse. I thought at four they would have done something cute vs. a song about going to a club but we can deal.
Last week we were all excited when the teacher announced at the end of class that we could come in and get the kids dressed in their costumes to see if they fit! I was handed a bag with a red and blue outfit in it. I thought it fit the "USA" theme they were going for. Then I opened it to find this:

I was immediately turned off. Some of the moms were quiet. Others loved it and were taking pics with their phone. I was somewhat distracted by Madeline crawling around the room and screaming at herself in the mirror. I got Brooke dressed, saw it fit, and got her out of it. The teachers wanted the jeans under the skirt, but none of the jeans fit so it was decided to just do the skirt.
Am I wrong here? My daughter is turning FOUR at the end of this week. Not fourteen. Do I want her dancing in this suggestive school girl outfit with a fake tattoo on the front? I am not savvy to the dance costume world, but I would think this outfit is for older girls. Maybe 9? Even then I would say its pushing it. Don't even get me started on the fake denim vest...
What is the need for this? My daughter is still young. Barely out of toddler hood and moving her way into her school years. She loves Princesses and thinks they are real and wants to grow up and live in a castle. She has no idea who Miley Cyrus is. Her idea of dressing scandalously is wearing hot pink tights instead of light pink tights under her leotard (which by the way she thinks is so great). That is her idea of fun and pretty.
I just don't see the rush or need to make little girls seem older than they are. I will have plenty of years of wardrobe battles and fighting over curfew. I don't need to have it any sooner.