Thursday, February 9, 2012

Madeline's take on potty training...

Today I took Madeline to Target to pick out her big girl underwear.  We went a few weeks ago but they were all out of her size so today was take 2.  She happily chose the Hello Kitty pack and hugged them the entire way home.  How awesome right?  I thought it was so great she was this excited about them.

When we got home, we quickly opened the package to try them on.  She took two pairs out and slid them onto her arms and said "OH NO!  TOOOO BIG!".  Hmm.  This is a problem that she thinks these belong on her arms.  I explained to her that these went on our bodies, we pull them down to go pee pee, blah blah blah.  She just laughed.  I let her play with them for a little while and then she got bored and we went our happy ways in the living room.

About an hour passed and I noticed that the pack of underwear with the remaining 4 pairs in it was missing.  We had only been in 2 rooms all morning and they were GONE.

Fast forward to later in the day, I walk into Curtis' office to get a paper off of the printer and look down to see this:

Yes, that is the Hello Kitty underwear in the trash can.  After laughing hysterically and snapping a pic, I took them out.  When Madeline woke up from her nap, she happened to walk in there and was quite perplexed when she walked into the office and the underwear were no longer in the trash.  Sorry kid, potty training is not that easy to get out of!

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